Date and Time: June 7th, meet at 8:00am
Mode of transport: Biking on Island Line Rail Trail (BYOB, or rental from Local Motion)
Hiking distance: Participants will bike approximately 15 miles on mostly flat, paved bike trail. <1 mile walking total at stops.
Map of Itinerary (links will open in a new browser tab)
- Hilton Burlington
- North Beach
- Rock point
- Winooski river bridge
- Colchester Bog Walkway
- Causeway (Lunch)
- Leddy Park Bathroom stop
- Hilton Burlington
Drive time: 0 hours
Description: In this unique trip, we'll explore Vermont's cultural and natural history BY BIKE! As many of you know, usually our field trips are by bus. This time we will give the bus and climate a break and bike-trip. Participants can bring their own bike, or rent nearby. We will explore the Island Line bike trail along the shores of beautiful Lake Champlain. We'll see how 460 million years of geologic history have shaped the Vermont landscape and created a unique ecological stage for our people and transportation system. We'll stop along the bike path to see carnivorous plants in Colchester Bog, geologic layering that is evidence of plate tectonics, the Winooski river delta and an old rail causeway that allows cyclists out into the middle of the lake. Participants will bike approximately 15 miles on mostly flat, paved bike trail that is separate from the road network.
Fun VT Facts
Vermont gets its name from two French words. They are 'vert' which means 'green' and 'mont' which means 'mountains'. ...
It was one of the first states to outlaw slavery.
It is the second smallest state by population (after Wyoming).
Ben and Jerry's ice cream began at a gas station in Burlington, Vermont.
Vermont is the home of maple syrup. Got any pancakes?!