Roads severely affect the health of ecosystems across the globe by fragmenting habitats, reducing population connectivity, and increasing road mortality. Wildlife underpasses allow for increased road permeability, the ability for animals to safely cross the road. Two circular culverts and two subterranean tunnels, one circular and one square, on Route 606 between Guacimal and Monteverde, Costa Rica, were monitored from 22 November to 6 December 2021 using 14 camera traps to assess which species used them to cross under the road. Twelve species used the combined underpasses for a total of 108 individual crossings. The subterranean tunnels were used by Canis familiaris, Dasyprocta punctata, Dasypus novemcinctus, Didelphis marsupialis, Felis catus, Leopardus pardalis, Rattus norvegicus, Sciurus variegatoides, Tamandua mexicana, and Nasua narica. The circular tunnel, Tunnel 1, was used more frequently and by a greater diversity of species than observed in the square tunnel, Tunnel 2. The two smaller culverts were used by Didelphis marsupialis, Felis silvestris catus, Micoureus alstoni, and Tylomus watsoni. Culvert 2 was used more frequently than culvert 1; however, Culvert 1 was used by a greater diversity of species. Species such as Canis latrans and Urocyon cinereoargenteus were seen in the surrounding land fragment but did not use any of the corridors. This study highlights underpass effectiveness as a method for improving wildlife road safety and habitat connectivity in Costa Rica.