Deer vehicle collisions (DVCs) in the United States have a significant impact upon roadway safety with fatalities, property damage, and other collateral damage occurring annually. A national, annual average 148 fatalities are reported for DVCs with an average 6 deaths/year in New York State alone. In relation to property damage, an annual average of 65,000 collisions with white-tailed deer are costing NY state citizens ~ $4,300 per DVC. With the significant negative outcomes from DVCs, it is important to identify areas of high DVC occurrence and prioritize mitigation strategies to improve motorist safety and reduce collision costs. This study analyzed 10-years of DVC data in New York State, with over 180,000 records scrutinized. Optimized Hot Spot Analysis was used to identify state-wide concentrations of DVCs within road networks. DVC count data are then modeled to identify the most important covariates associated with elevated incidences of DVCs and further refine and prioritize locations for potential infrastructure mitigation strategies.