Visit one of the country's most iconic national parks. Pack your comfortable snow boots and warm clothes for this one! Depending on the weather, this tour could take you to elevations nearing 9500'. RMNP will likely still be a winter wonderland at this time of year which lends itself for picturesque snowcapped mountain views and breathtaking vistas. With elk, bighorn sheep, mule deer, moose and a small population of black bears calling the park home, some unique wildlife viewing opportunities may arise - have your cameras at the ready. We’ll start our day the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center and move on to an outdoor amphitheater overlooking Moraine Park where park staff will discuss several science and resource management projects. We will then wind our way up the Bear Lake corridor where a short walk on an easy trail will be an option. The itinerary may change a bit depending on weather and on the ground conditions, but we’ll learn about this incredible place from the experts and see beautiful sights no matter the schedule. Lunch will be provided.