Mode of transport: Premier Bus with 45 people capacity
Hiking distance: Max of 1.5 miles
Map of Itinerary (Link will open in new browser window)
- Hilton Burlington
- Osmore Pond site (bathrooms)
- Lunch
- Groton Nature Center, (Bathrooms under construction)
- Noyes Pond (Seyon Ranch), (Bathrooms)
- Hilton Burlington
Drive time: 3hr 20 min
Moose are an iconic Vermont species. Motorists, cyclists and hikers may be lucky enough to experience this majestic animal standing shoulder deep in roadside wetlands seemingly unconcerned, or unfortunate enough to see a dark, hulking shape in the middle of a rural road in the middle of the night. Participants in this trip will learn more about moose biology and ecology and will stop at several locations of prime moose habitat in Groton State Forest including; Osmore Pond, the Groton Nature Center and Seyon Ranch. Be prepared to hike about 1.5 miles.
Fun Moose Facts:
Moose are the largest of all the deer species in the world.
Only male moose (bulls) have antlers. The particular shape differs from animal to animal and they are shed every year around November,
Moose are peaceful animals which very rarely become aggressive.
Females (cows) often give birth to twins, and even sometimes triplets.
A male moose has a ‘dewlap’, a dangling flap under the chin.
Moose can travel at speeds up to 50 kph, and can trot steadily for 32 km in just an hour.
Despite their size and weight, moose are very adept swimmers.
The global moose population is estimated to be over 2 million, with the largest population being found in Canada.
The moose is the official state animal of Maine in the USA.