In the Lions’ Den will be two dynamic sessions and will provide a space where participants can pitch their solutions-focused ideas related to linear infrastructure and ecosystems to a panel of leaders (“the Lions”) in relevant fields.
Each participant will provide a 20-minute pitch to the Lions on an imagined solution OR an already-existing solution which needs scaling. A solution should contribute to the harmonisation of infrastructure and ecosystems and can relate to planning, processes, design and technology, partnerships, policy, etc. The pitches will be followed by comments and possible endorsements from the Lions. The online audience will be invited to ask questions throughout the session, with answers and discussion to follow, after the Lions have provided comments. Note that the Lions will not have real money to provide to participants but, along with other session attendees, may be able to provide social capital to support the implementation of a solution.
Sarah Chiles
Chris Slesar
Patty Cramer
Wendy Collinson