Continental Breakfast
7:30 to 8:30 am, Foyer
Symposium 2: Integrating Wildlife Movement Needs and Transportation Infrastructure: Southern California as a Preview of a Sustainable Future, Part 1
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom A
Wildlife Connectivity and California’s Future
Chuck Bonham (Director), California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Chuck Bonham (Director), California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Transportation infrastructure effects on wildlife in California: Mountain lions in southern California as a case study
Winston Vickers, UC Davis Wildlife Health Center
Winston Vickers, UC Davis Wildlife Health Center
The Public Relations Aspects of Infrastructure Projects to Benefit Mountain Lions and Other Wildlife
Beth Pratt, National Wildlife Federation
Beth Pratt, National Wildlife Federation
Effective Roadway Mitigation Strategies: The Case of State Route 241 Wildlife Protection Fence Project in Orange County, California
Doug T. Feremenga, Transportation Corridor Agencies
Doug T. Feremenga, Transportation Corridor Agencies
Technical Session 17: But Really, Does It Work?
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom B
Evaluating Migratory Bird Exclusion Practices on Transportation Structures
Jason Morrell, Arcadis; David Hedeen, Georgia Department of Transportation
Jason Morrell, Arcadis; David Hedeen, Georgia Department of Transportation
A green light for blue wildlife reflectors?
Edgar A. van der Grift, Wageningen Environmental Research, Netherlands
Edgar A. van der Grift, Wageningen Environmental Research, Netherlands
Evaluating the efficacy of enhanced wildlife bridge infrastructure in Durham, North Carolina
Ron Sutherland, Wildlands Network
Ron Sutherland, Wildlands Network
Technical Session 18: Connecting Plans To Action
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom C
Reconnecting Habitats: The Washington State Department of Transportation's Approach to Integrating Habitat Connectivity Principles into the State's Transportation System
Glen P. Kalisz, Washington State Department of Transportation
Glen P. Kalisz, Washington State Department of Transportation
Integrating Wildlife Connectivity into Long Range Transportation Plans: State Route 68 Corridor Project
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation, with Tanya Diamond and Abigail Snyder
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation, with Tanya Diamond and Abigail Snyder
Safe Passages for Wildlife on Interstate-10 within the Rincon-Santa Rita-Whetstone Mountains Wildlife Linkage
Jessica Moreno, Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection
Jessica Moreno, Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection
Technical Session 19: Keeping Up With the Pace of Latin America
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom D
From Mexicali to Magallanes: Collaborative networks in Latin America working towards better governance
Anthony P Clevenger, WTI-Montana State University USA
Anthony P Clevenger, WTI-Montana State University USA
Multi-sectoral negotiation efforts for better environmental public policies for transportation projects in Brazil
Fernanda Z. Teixeira, Road and Railroad Ecology Research Group NERF/UFRGS
Fernanda Z. Teixeira, Road and Railroad Ecology Research Group NERF/UFRGS
Predicting the impacts of lane additions to the Pan-American Highway bisecting the Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica
Tom Langen, Clarkson University
Tom Langen, Clarkson University
Road impacts on Brazil's Maned Wolf population: Insights from a Mechanistic Simulation Model
Nathan Schumaker, US Environmental Protection Agency
Nathan Schumaker, US Environmental Protection Agency
Advances in Securing Connectivity for Jaguars Along Expanding Highways of fhe Sky Islands of Mexico
Juan Carlos Bravo, Wildlands Network, Mexico
Juan Carlos Bravo, Wildlands Network, Mexico
Panel 9: Wildlife and Transportation Agency Partnerships to Address Wildlife Connectivity in the Western United States
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom E
10:00 to 10:30 am, Foyer
Symposium 2: Integrating Wildlife Movement Needs and Transportation Infrastructure: Southern California as a Preview of a Sustainable Future, Part 2
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Ballroom A
Regional Connectivity Management and Monitoring Program for San Diego County
Trish Smith, The Nature Conservancy
Trish Smith, The Nature Conservancy
Planning for Landscape Connectivity: Examples from Southern California
Sally Brown, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Sally Brown, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Technical Session 20: Power of the People
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Ballroom B
Failing forward - lessons learned from local opposition to wildlife crossings
Kim Trotter, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Kim Trotter, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Where people and wildlife collide - Leveraging high-quality volunteer data to identify wildlife corridors and inform transportation planning
Merrill Hallett, Adventure Scientists
Merrill Hallett, Adventure Scientists
Automated Recording and Analysis of Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict
David Waetjen, Road Ecology Center, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis
David Waetjen, Road Ecology Center, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis
Technical Session 21: Mitigation Coast to Coast
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Ballroom C
Wildlife mitigation on the Sterling Highway MP 58-79 project: Setting the bar high in Alaska
John M. Morton, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
John M. Morton, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
From the Deer's Perspective: A Long-term, Collaborative Study to Understand the Physiology and Behavior of White-tailed Deer to Mitigate Deer-vehicle Collisions
Gino J. D'Angelo, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Gino J. D'Angelo, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Technical Session 22: Evolving Tricks of the Trade
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Ballroom E
Valuing Wildlife Crossings: Generating Mitigation Credit for the Inclusion of Wildlife Crossings Within the SR 40 Corridor in Marion, Lake, and Volusia Counties, Florida
Jason Houck, Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Jason Houck, Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Standards and tools for refining at-risk species distribution data
Healy Hamilton, NatureServe
Healy Hamilton, NatureServe
Using INVEST to Bridge Sustainability and Transportation Needs in the Denton Greenbelt
Kate Zielke, North Central Texas Council of Governments
Kate Zielke, North Central Texas Council of Governments