Continental Breakfast
7:30 to 8:30 am, Foyer
Symposium 1: The Road to Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict Mitigation is Paved with Good Data, Part 1
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom D
Mitigating for mortality is more important than mitigating for connectivity
Lenore Fahrig, Carleton University
Lenore Fahrig, Carleton University
Opportunities and challenges in analyzing road mortality data
Fernanda Z. Teixeira (Road and Railroad Ecology Research Group NERF/UFRGS)
Fernanda Z. Teixeira (Road and Railroad Ecology Research Group NERF/UFRGS)
The Upgraded Road from Big WVC Datasets to Analyses
Fraser Shilling, Road Ecology Center, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis
Fraser Shilling, Road Ecology Center, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis
Technical Session 11: If You Build It, They Will... Swim
8:30 to 10:00 am, Ballroom E
Enhancing and Streamlining Aquatic Organism Protection for Transportation Projects
Chris Goodson, Georgia Dept. of Transportation
Chris Goodson, Georgia Dept. of Transportation
Maintaining, Enhancing, or Restoring Ecological Connectivity at Culvert Structures in Minnesota
Peter Leete, MN Department of Natural Resources
Peter Leete, MN Department of Natural Resources
Experiments on Box Culvert Design for Fish Passage: Light, Roughness, and Sediment
Jessica Kozarek, University of Minnesota
Jessica Kozarek, University of Minnesota
Developing a Fish Barrier Enhancement Program or How to Replace Five Barriers in Two Years
Trevin Taylor, Thurston County Public Works
Trevin Taylor, Thurston County Public Works
Technical Session 12: One Bat, Two Bats, Fat Bats, Happy Bats
8:30 to 10:00 am, Golden State
A New Manual for Caltrans Bat Mitigation on Bridges with an Analysis of Bat Mitigation Structures
Dave Johnston, H. T. Harvey & Associates
Dave Johnston, H. T. Harvey & Associates
Fat, Happy Bats and Pool Noodles: A Case Study for Completing Maintenance on a Bridge with Year-Round Bat Use
Laci Pattavina, Wildlife Biologist, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Laci Pattavina, Wildlife Biologist, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Innovative mitigation for threatened microbats on road projects in New South Wales, Australia- did it work and what happens next?
Josie Stokes, Principal Ecologist, WSP International Sydney, Australia
Josie Stokes, Principal Ecologist, WSP International Sydney, Australia
Panel 4: Regional Greenprints: Integrating Transportation Agency Goals with Conservation Data for Sustainability and Climate Resilience
8:30 to 10:00 am, Carmel
Workshop 2: Getting the most out of your Monitoring Cameras: A Practical Workshop for Transportation Ecologists
8:30 to 10:00 am, Big Sur
10:00 to 10:30 am, Foyer
Symposium 1: The Road to Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict Mitigation is Paved with Good Data, Part 2
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Ballroom D
Life safe-crossing: a new project for preventing large carnivore road mortality in Europe
Carme Rosell, MINUARTIA
Carme Rosell, MINUARTIA
A New Road Crossing Structure for Small Animals: Case study with the Yosemite Toad
Cheryl S. Brehme, Western Ecological Research Center, U. S. Geological Survey; Stephanie Barnes, High Sierra Ranger District, US Forest Service
Cheryl S. Brehme, Western Ecological Research Center, U. S. Geological Survey; Stephanie Barnes, High Sierra Ranger District, US Forest Service
Modeling black-bear vehicle collision zones in Yosemite National Park
Katie Rodriguez, SJSU
Katie Rodriguez, SJSU
Technical Session 13: Its not Easy Being Ectothermic
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Ballroom E
Retrofit wildlife ecopassages successfully reduce turtle road mortality in the Lake Simcoe watershed
Kaitlyn Read, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Kaitlyn Read, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Technical Session 14: Beyond The Bumper
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Golden State
Mammal responses to traffic noise and light at wildlife crossing structures
Amy Collins, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis
Amy Collins, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis
Eco-Friendly Road Lighting and Maintenance Choices Can Lessen the Impact of Anthropogenic Light Pollution on Terrestrial Wildlife
Nina Kawalek, Miami University, OH
Nina Kawalek, Miami University, OH
Roads as barriers to ungulate movements: traffic volume and highway permeability
Corinna Riginos, The Nature Conservancy
Corinna Riginos, The Nature Conservancy
Are Highways Stressful for Pikas? Analysis of Stress Hormones of Ochotona princeps Living Adjacent to an Interstate Highway in the I90 Snoqualmie Pass East Project, Washington State
Thomas McIntyre, Central Washington University
Thomas McIntyre, Central Washington University
Panel 5: Nature-based Resilience for Coastal Highways
10:30 to 12:00 pm, Carmel
Plenary: Keynote Luncheon: Seth Riley, Wildlife Branch Chief of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
12:00 to 1:30 pm, Ballroom ABC
Lightning Session 2: Policy, Partnerships and Multi-Modal
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Ballroom E
The Hwy 89 Stewardship Team Mitigation, Research and Education to Improve Wildlife Passage
Sara Holm CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Hwy 89 Stewardship Team
Sara Holm CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Hwy 89 Stewardship Team
A municipal planning toolkit for implementing road ecology best management practices
Kaitlyn Read, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Kaitlyn Read, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Do we need an Ethic of Road Ecology?
A.Z. Andis Arietta, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
A.Z. Andis Arietta, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
Coyote Valley: A Case Study for Conserving an At-risk Wildlife Corridor in Silicon Valley
Galli Basson, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
Galli Basson, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
Planning for Connectivity Enhancements Between Three Bay Area Mountain Ranges: A Peer-to-Peer Working Session
Neal Sharma,Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)
Neal Sharma,Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)
Wolves in California - a story of biology and major roadways
Justin Dellinger, CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
Justin Dellinger, CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
The Monarch CCAA: A Cooperative Conservation Opportunity for Transportation Agencies
Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center University of Illinois at Chicago
Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center University of Illinois at Chicago
Amphibian and Reptile Highway Crossings. Producing the CALTRANS Best Practice Manual for California for 2020.
Tom Langton, Herpetofauana CI Ltd.
Tom Langton, Herpetofauana CI Ltd.
Technical Session 15: The Shape of Water
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Ballroom D
Striking a balance between wildfires and water quality with state agency collaboration
Lorna McFarlane, Caltrans
Lorna McFarlane, Caltrans
Let's redefine green infrastructure [for the transportation paradigm]
Brian Smith, FHWA, Jennifer Taira, Caltrans
Brian Smith, FHWA, Jennifer Taira, Caltrans
SR 167 Riparian Restoration Program - Thinking Outside the Box to Meet NPDES Permit Requirements
Simon Page, Washington State Department of Transportation
Simon Page, Washington State Department of Transportation
Environmental DNA - Real Time Results in the Field to Confirm the Presence of Target Species
Jake Riley, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Jake Riley, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Panel 6: Animal detection systems: What's the frequency?
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Golden State
Workshop 3: Wildlife Vehicle Collisions Predictive Analysis
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Carmel
Workshop 4: G.U.T.S. 2.0
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Big Sur
3:00 to 3:30 pm, Foyer
Lightning Session 3: Climate Change and Emerging Issues
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Ballroom E
Using Translational Ecology to Communicate Climate Change and Road Ecology: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Kimberly M. Andrews, University of Georgia
Kimberly M. Andrews, University of Georgia
Using citizen science to survey roadkill at wide spatio-temporal scales: examples from the developing and the developed world
Wendy Collinson, The Endangered Wildlife Trust
Wendy Collinson, The Endangered Wildlife Trust
The Value of Volunteers in Global and US State Roadkill Data Collection
Fraser Shilling, Road Ecology Center, University of California, Davis
Fraser Shilling, Road Ecology Center, University of California, Davis
Understanding Park Visitor Perceptions of Road Noise and Related Management Actions: A Case Study from Death Valley National Park
William L. Rice, Pennsylvania State University
William L. Rice, Pennsylvania State University
Weed-Suppressive Soil Bacteria to Reduce Downy Brome and Medusahead
Cathy Ford, Idaho Transportation Dept
Cathy Ford, Idaho Transportation Dept
Lightning Session 4: Terrestrial Wildlife and Ecosystem Interactions with Transportation
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Golden State
Automated detection of (no-)animals in camera trap images
Christian John, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis
Christian John, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis
Using multispecies occupancy and abundance models to identify target locations for wildlife underpass installation.
Daniel Smith and Madison Hall, University of Central Florida
Daniel Smith and Madison Hall, University of Central Florida
New evidences for the rail barrier as a direct source of mortality for small animals
Rubem A. P. Dornas, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rubem A. P. Dornas, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Monitoring use of underpasses by Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) to inform culvert design and function
Florence Deffner, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Florence Deffner, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife Overpass Design and Construction Cost Saving Practices
Kevin Williams, Atlantic Industries Limited
Kevin Williams, Atlantic Industries Limited
Winter is Coming and There are No Caves; Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Activity During the Fall and Winter in Coastal North Carolina
Theresa Wetzel, Copperhead Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Theresa Wetzel, Copperhead Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Technical Session 16: Yes But, Does It Work?
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Ballroom D
Traffic, Habitat Change, & Time Influence Wildlife Crossing Structure Use Across a Decade of Monitoring
Leslie Bliss-Ketchum, Environmental Science and Management, Portland State University
Leslie Bliss-Ketchum, Environmental Science and Management, Portland State University
Wildlife crossing structures in the mitigation for transportation projects: an evaluation of ex post monitoring in Spain
Eloy Revilla, Estación Biológica de Doñana CSIC, Spain
Eloy Revilla, Estación Biológica de Doñana CSIC, Spain
Reduced Speed Limits: an effective way to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions?
Elizabeth Fairbank, The Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Elizabeth Fairbank, The Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Wildlife Detection System
Ian Steele P.Eng., PBX Engineering Ltd.
Ian Steele P.Eng., PBX Engineering Ltd.
Effectiveness of wildlife fences in reducing Key deer road mortality; the importance of implementing mitigation measures at the appropriate spatial scale
Marcel P. Huijser, Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University
Marcel P. Huijser, Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University
Panel 7: Caltrans' Advance Mitigation Program:
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Carmel
Panel 8: New Mexico's Wildlife Corridors Act: Protecting wildlife migration through state legislation
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Big Sur
Poster Session: Poster Session and Reception (Reception starts at 6pm)
5:00 to 9:00 pm, Ballroom ABC Corridor
Assessing Biodiversity in Railway Dry Grassland Patches
Magnus Stenmark, Ecocom
Magnus Stenmark, Ecocom
Amphibians Hit the Road: Assessing Roadway Mortality and Ecopassage Utilization along a Two-lane Highway
Charlene B Hopkins, Ohio University
Charlene B Hopkins, Ohio University
Assessing the impacts of roads on British bird populations
Sophia Cooke, University of Cambridge
Sophia Cooke, University of Cambridge
Barriers to dispersal and the challenges facing the southern expansion of endangered New Jersey bobcats
Ariana L. Cerreta, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware
Ariana L. Cerreta, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware
Beaver and Roadways: Beaver Damage Mitigation Using Cost Effective Solutions That Retain Habitat Benefits
Brock Dolman, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center WATER Institute
Brock Dolman, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center WATER Institute
Beaver Damage Mitigation for Roadways
Kevin Swift, Swift Water Design
Kevin Swift, Swift Water Design
Biochar to Enhance Stormwter Management Systems
Rawaa Al Tameemi, Morgan State University
Rawaa Al Tameemi, Morgan State University
Blackfeet Nation Animal-Vehicle Collision Reduction Master Plan
Elizabeth Fairbank, The Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Elizabeth Fairbank, The Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Boat traffic structures seascape genetic patterns in the Florida Manatee
Madison Hall, University of Central Florida
Madison Hall, University of Central Florida
California FishPACs - Collaboration to Enhance Fish Passage on the State Highway System
Melinda Molnar, Caltrans
Melinda Molnar, Caltrans
Camera monitoring in the Design Phase of a wildlife crossing project on California Highway 17 informs project design and underscores the value of the corridor for mountain lions
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation
Carcass Data: When Fewer Carcasses are Not Better
Sandra Jacobson, US Forest Service
Sandra Jacobson, US Forest Service
Characterization of Vulnerability of Road Networks against Fluvial Flooding using Their Spatial Co-location Interdependency with Flood Control Infrastructure
Bahrulla Abdulla, Texas A & M University
Bahrulla Abdulla, Texas A & M University
Collision Count - Citizens Monitoring Roadkill in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
Rob Schaufele - Miistakis Institute, Mount Royal University
Rob Schaufele - Miistakis Institute, Mount Royal University
Collision Count - Citizens Monitoring Roadkill in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
Rob Schaufele - Miistakis Institute, Mount Royal University
Rob Schaufele - Miistakis Institute, Mount Royal University
Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ)
Gretchen Fowles, NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife
Gretchen Fowles, NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife
Cooperative Effort: The Highway 50 Connectivity Project
Shelly Blair, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Shelly Blair, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Corridor K Wildlife Habitat Modeling and Assessment
Kahl, Samantha; Texas Tech University
Kahl, Samantha; Texas Tech University
Creating a model for the prediction of roadkill Kruger National Park, South Africa
Brilliant Mashao, University of Venda & Endangered Wildlife Trust
Brilliant Mashao, University of Venda & Endangered Wildlife Trust
Data to Action: RoadWatchBC advances efforts to improve human and wildlife safety in the British Columbia and Idaho
Kim Trotter, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Kim Trotter, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Determining the barriers to movement of tule elk at San Luis Reservoir
Cristen Langner, CDFW
Cristen Langner, CDFW
Determining the permeability of a South Texas state highway for wildlife using expected crossing frequencies
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Determining the permeability of a South Texas state highway for wildlife using expected crossing frequencies
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Developing an Extreme Weather Event Risk Framework: Houston Case Study
Jolanda Prozzi, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Jolanda Prozzi, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Does size and appearance matter? Folklore as a limiting factor to the success of amphibian roadkill citizen science projects in ha-Kutama, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Thabo Innocent Hlatshwayo, Department of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Venda, South Africa
Thabo Innocent Hlatshwayo, Department of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Venda, South Africa
Ecological and genetic connectivity of shrews (Sorex spp.) across Interstate-90 in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project, Washington State.
Jordan Ryckman, Central Washington University
Jordan Ryckman, Central Washington University
Ecological Consequences of Roadway Lighting Design
Leo F Smith, International Dark-Sky Association
Leo F Smith, International Dark-Sky Association
Economic and Environmental Benefits of Stewardship Tool
Amanda Long-Rodriguez
Amanda Long-Rodriguez
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and nutrient uptake of road slope in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Xinjun Wang,China Academy of Transportation Sciences
Xinjun Wang,China Academy of Transportation Sciences
Emerging Best Practices to reduce road mortality and increase habitat connectivity for turtles in the northeastern US
Tom Langen, Clarkson University
Tom Langen, Clarkson University
Environmental and anthropogenic correlates of roadkill distribution at the wildland-urban interface
Samantha E. S. Kreling, Environmental Science, Policy & Management, University of California Berkeley
Samantha E. S. Kreling, Environmental Science, Policy & Management, University of California Berkeley
Environmental Communication and Collaboration Tools for Transportation Projects during Design, Construction, and Beyond
Patrick Tennant, Environmental Science Associates
Patrick Tennant, Environmental Science Associates
Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants
Brian Smith, FHWA
Brian Smith, FHWA
Estimating the expected crossing frequency of road mitigation structures in South Texas based on proximity and vegetation
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Evaluating Migratory Bird Exclusion Practices on Transportation Structures
Jason Morrell, Arcadis U.S., Inc.
Jason Morrell, Arcadis U.S., Inc.
Fish Passage Enhancement Program
Jeanne Kinney, Thurston County Public Works
Jeanne Kinney, Thurston County Public Works
Freeman Gulch Widening Project Segment 1
Dena Gonzalez California Department of Transportation
Dena Gonzalez California Department of Transportation
From the Largest to the Smallest Mammals - Safe Wildlife Passages Across a 4-Lane Highway Provides More Than Expected
Jennifer Moonjian, California Department of Transportation
Jennifer Moonjian, California Department of Transportation
Gaviota Creek Watershed: Incorporating wildlife passage improvements and watershed restoration plans in transportation and conservation planning in Santa Barbara County, California, USA
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation
Going beyond just animals ---the I-90 Snoqualmie Pass East experiment. Restoring the connectivity of whole ecosystems between the North and South Cascades in Washington State.
Patty Garvey-Darda, U.S. Forest Service
Patty Garvey-Darda, U.S. Forest Service
Got dirt? Build a noise berm!
Kathryn Nuessly, National Park Service
Kathryn Nuessly, National Park Service
Highway 17 Wildlife and Regional Trail Crossings Project (Santa Clara County, California)
Julie Andersen, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Julie Andersen, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Hydraulic Crossings: A More Sustainable Approach
Kevin Williams, Atlantic Industries Limited
Kevin Williams, Atlantic Industries Limited
Identifying barriers and prioritizing restoration strategies to improve wildlife connectivity in New Jersey
Neha Savant, The Nature Conservancy
Neha Savant, The Nature Conservancy
Impact and Mitigation of a Mega Transportation Project on the Springs/Crenic Habitats and Biodiversity in Uttarakhand Himalaya
Ramesh C. Sharma, Department of Environmental Sciences, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, India
Ramesh C. Sharma, Department of Environmental Sciences, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, India
Impact of Transportation on Mammalian Fauna of Rajaji Tiger Reserve, India
Nitin Joshi, Department of Environmental Sciences, H.N.B Garhwal Central University, India
Nitin Joshi, Department of Environmental Sciences, H.N.B Garhwal Central University, India
Indirect estimation of regional roadkill risk when there is no roadkill data
Eloy Revilla, Estación Biológica de Doñana CSIC, Spain
Eloy Revilla, Estación Biológica de Doñana CSIC, Spain
Initial monitoring results of high-mobility species usage of I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Project wildlife crossing structures
Josh Zylstra, Washington State Department of Transportation
Josh Zylstra, Washington State Department of Transportation
INSTEP - Innovative and Sustainable Transportation Evaluation Process
National Park Service - Denver Service Center Transportation Division
National Park Service - Denver Service Center Transportation Division
Jaguars, Roads and Volcanos
Daniela Araya-Gamboa, Panthera, Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
Daniela Araya-Gamboa, Panthera, Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
Klamath-Cascades Fish Passage Advisory Committee 12 years of accomplishments to improve passage for fish and wildlife in northeastern California
Richard Lis, Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Richard Lis, Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Location, Location, Location: Where Bat Roosts Are Installed Can Be an Important Factor in Mitigating Transportation Projects
Jill M. Carpenter, LSA Associates, Inc.
Jill M. Carpenter, LSA Associates, Inc.
Madera Pools Mitigaiton Site
Dena Gonzalez California Department of Transportation
Dena Gonzalez California Department of Transportation
Methods to Engage Stakeholders to Improve Environmental Consultation Process Informing the Long Range Transportation Plan
Margaret Minzner, Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments
Margaret Minzner, Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments
Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance: Noise and Vibration of Standard Bridge Maintenance Activity Pilot Project
Neal Goffinet, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig
Neal Goffinet, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig
Mitigating road mortality of Minnesota's turtles and other small wildlife
Tricia Markle, Minnesota Zoo
Tricia Markle, Minnesota Zoo
Mitigation for Arroyo Toad Habitat and Other Listed Species at Vessels Mitigation Site, San Diego County
Rush Abrams, California Dept of Transportation
Rush Abrams, California Dept of Transportation
Modelling the risk of road networks in mountainous areas exposed to volcanic hazard
Alondra Chamorro & National Research Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Management (CIGIDEN), Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Alondra Chamorro & National Research Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Management (CIGIDEN), Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Movement of California Tiger Salamanders along barrier fencing and underpasses in Stanford, CA.
Cheryl S. Brehme, Western Ecological Research Center, U. S. Geological Survey
Cheryl S. Brehme, Western Ecological Research Center, U. S. Geological Survey
Multi-Agency Collaboration at the Caltrans Lonestar Mitigation Site, San Diego, California
Michael Galloway, California Department of Transportation
Michael Galloway, California Department of Transportation
Multi-tools and multi-species approach to study the impact of linear infrastructures on terrestrial mammals in France
Mergey Marina, URCA-CERFE, 5 rue de la héronnière, 08240 Boult-aux-Bois, France
Mergey Marina, URCA-CERFE, 5 rue de la héronnière, 08240 Boult-aux-Bois, France
Multilateral Development Banks in Sub-Sahara Africa: Do they Have Wildlife Friendly Infrastructure Policies?
Rob Ament, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Rob Ament, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Opportunities and challenges in analyzing road mortality data
Fernanda Z. Teixeira, Road and Railroad Ecology Research Group NERF/UFRGS
Fernanda Z. Teixeira, Road and Railroad Ecology Research Group NERF/UFRGS
Partnering for Results: California's Transportation and Coastal Management Agencies
Scott Williams, Caltrans
Scott Williams, Caltrans
Partnering With Beaver to Benefit Watersheds, Restore Aquatic Habitat and Mitigate Impacts of Roadways
Kate Lundquist, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center WATER Institute
Kate Lundquist, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center WATER Institute
Performance of Arch-Style Road Crossing Structures from Relative Movement Rates of Large Mammals
A.Z. Andis Arietta, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
A.Z. Andis Arietta, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
Potty Talk: How does treated wastewater effect California biodiversity?
Anna Cassady, UC Riverside
Anna Cassady, UC Riverside
Preliminary Inquiry Into State DOT LED Installations and Minimizing Effects to Wildlife
John Taylor, US Fish and Wildlife Service
John Taylor, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Programmatic Permits Covering Highway Maintenance Activities Provide Regulatory Efficiency and Achieve Environmental Outcomes
Gregor Myhr, Washington State Department of Transportation
Gregor Myhr, Washington State Department of Transportation
Promoting Wildlife Connectivity Through State Legislation
Renee Callahan, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Renee Callahan, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Proposal to Develop, Implement, and Assess Effectiveness of Wildlife-Vehicle Collision Driver Awareness and Behavior Campaign
Tara Casanova Powell, Casanova Powell Consulting
Tara Casanova Powell, Casanova Powell Consulting
Protecting the protected through assessing driver behaviour in protected areas, South Africa
Wendy Collinson, Endangered Wildlife Trust
Wendy Collinson, Endangered Wildlife Trust
Rapid Evaluation of Fisheries Resources Upstream of Barriers
Derek Acomb, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Derek Acomb, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Reducing Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions (WVC) through Changing Driver Behaviour in the Kruger National Park
I L Buthelezi, Endangered Wildlife Trust, Tshwane University of Technology
I L Buthelezi, Endangered Wildlife Trust, Tshwane University of Technology
Regional Conservation Investment Strategies Program: A New Conservation Tool
Ami Olson, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Ami Olson, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Regulatory Challenges and Solutions for Successful Implementation of Advance Mitigation
Clifton Meek, U.S. EPA
Clifton Meek, U.S. EPA
Restoring Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands on California's Scenic Highway 1
Jennifer Moonjian, California Department of Transportation
Jennifer Moonjian, California Department of Transportation
Road crossing patterns of ocelots in South Texas
C. Jane Anderson, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. Texas A&M University - Kingsville
C. Jane Anderson, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Road inventory building with artificial intelligence and GIS as a basis for wildlife-vehicle collision analysis
Wolfgang Dorner, Institute for Applied Informatics, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
Wolfgang Dorner, Institute for Applied Informatics, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
Road Warriors: Citizen Scientist Monitoring for Mojave Desert Tortoise Road Mortality
Florence Deffner, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Florence Deffner, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Roadkill Observation and Data System (ROaDS): A Standardized Wildlife Vehicle Collision Data Collection System for Department of Interior Agencies
Rob Ament, Western Transportation Institute
Rob Ament, Western Transportation Institute
Roadway Environmenatl Advancement Initiative (READI)
Nicholas Marchese
Nicholas Marchese
Spatiotemporal risk prediction of wildlife-vehicle collisions
Raphaela Pagany, Institute for Applied Informatics, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
Raphaela Pagany, Institute for Applied Informatics, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
Statewide Connectivity Modeling for Conservation: The Oregon Connectivity Assessment and Mapping Project
Dr. Rachel E. Wheat, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Dr. Rachel E. Wheat, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Steps Toward Integrated Vegetation Management: Collecting Vegetation Data in Transportation Rights-of-Way
Alissa Salmore, Idaho Transportation Department
Alissa Salmore, Idaho Transportation Department
Suitable habitat and connectivity limits the viability of fragmented mountain lion populations
Justin Dellinger, CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
Justin Dellinger, CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
Temperature affects snake roadkill in a highway, Hainan, China
Qi-Lin Li, Hainan Tropical Ocean University
Qi-Lin Li, Hainan Tropical Ocean University
The advantages of implementing the temporary drainage system in the control of erosion processes and silting of water bodies.
Ticiana Risden Viana, São Paulo State Environmental Agency, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Ticiana Risden Viana, São Paulo State Environmental Agency, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
The comparison of roads and railways: temporal patterns of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Poland
Jasinska K.D., Department of Forest Zoology and Game Management, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Jasinska K.D., Department of Forest Zoology and Game Management, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
The inaudible voice from wildlife habitat: The case of interaction between; wildlife, ecosystem and infrastructure development in Kenya
Odira Walter Ochieng, HOD, Roads and Airstrip Development
Odira Walter Ochieng, HOD, Roads and Airstrip Development
The influence of structural characteristics and environmental factors on the use of wildlife crossing structures
Anna D Rivera Roy, School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Anna D Rivera Roy, School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Relationship between Human and Animal Activity at Camera Trap Sites near a South Texas Highway
Thomas J. Yamashita. School of Earth Environmental and Marine Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Thomas J. Yamashita. School of Earth Environmental and Marine Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The study to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of roadside infiltration-based trenches in Korea
Dr. Hyejin Cho , Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Hyejin Cho , Senior Research Fellow
Tidal Marsh Mitigation in Connecticut - Challenges, Successes, & Lessons Learned
Christopher Samorajczyk, Connecticut Department of Transportation
Christopher Samorajczyk, Connecticut Department of Transportation
Toadal isolation? Movement and genetic connectivity of Western Toads (Anaxyrus boreas) in the I-90 Snoqualmie Pass East Project area
Anneliese Myers, Central Washington University
Anneliese Myers, Central Washington University
Transportation and Wildlife Migration Corridors: Secretarial Order 3362
Elizabeth Fairbank, The Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Elizabeth Fairbank, The Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Transportation Ecology Challenges in a Biodiversity Hotspot: Addressing California's Rare, Threatened, Endangered and Special Species and Habitats
Julie Owen, California Department of Transportation
Julie Owen, California Department of Transportation
TRIEKOL - Swedish research on applied road and rail ecology
Jan-Olof Helldin, Swedish Biodiversity Centre, SLU, Sweden
Jan-Olof Helldin, Swedish Biodiversity Centre, SLU, Sweden
Urban wildlife use of existing highway crossings and access points
Courtney Coon, Felidae Conservation Fund
Courtney Coon, Felidae Conservation Fund
Using Spatio-Temporal Getis-Ord Gi* Statistic for Planning Over Bike Traffic in Valencia (SPAIN)
Maria del Mar Pino, Departamento de Ingenieria Grafica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Maria del Mar Pino, Departamento de Ingenieria Grafica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Watershed-based Consultation Guidance for Transportation Projects
Peter Maholland, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Peter Maholland, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife Connectivity, Movement and Migration LA-101
Francois O. Appiah, California Department of Transportation
Francois O. Appiah, California Department of Transportation
Wildlife Crossings and Early Corridor Planning: the State Route 139 Transportation Concept Report and Implications for future Wildlife Collision Reduction and Improved Wildlife Connectivity
Julie Owen, California Department of Transportation
Julie Owen, California Department of Transportation
Wildlife Passage Modifications on State Route 118 in Ventura County
Celina Oliveri, Caltrans
Celina Oliveri, Caltrans
Wildlife use of road mitigation structures during and post-construction along a South Texas highway
Anna D. Rivera Roy, School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Anna D. Rivera Roy, School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Korea Road-kill Observation System: An initial attempt to integrate road-kill data in national scale
Kyungmin Kim, National Institute of Ecology
Kyungmin Kim, National Institute of Ecology
An Updated Statewide Connectivity Map for California
Melanie Gogol-Prokurat, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Melanie Gogol-Prokurat, California Department of Fish and Wildlife