2 pm GMT = 7 AM Pacific (-7), 10 AM East Coast (-4), 4 PM South Africa (+2), 7:30 PM in India (+5.5), and 12 AM in Sydney (+10)
Day 5 (Sept 29th) Welcome and Orientation
2:00 to 2:10 pm
Technical Session 22: Connecting Communities for Connectivity
2:10 to 3:40 pm
Re-developing a road kill reporting app to improve user experience and quality of data collected in the United Kingdom.
Steve Bega, Animex International
Steve Bega, Animex International
Crossing Through Your Neighborhood: The benefits of using community science to monitor wildlife movement pre-and post-construction of wildlife crossings structures in an urban interface.
Jessica A. Moreno, Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection
Jessica A. Moreno, Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection
Engaging Connectivity Partnerships During A Global Pandemic: Greater I-10 Linkage Implementation Virtual Workshop
Trish Smith, The Nature Conservancy
Trish Smith, The Nature Conservancy
Technical Session 23: Good Things Come in Small Mammal Packages
2:10 to 3:40 pm
Protecting Roads from Beavers
Michael Callahan, Beaver Institute, Inc.
Michael Callahan, Beaver Institute, Inc.
Road mortality mitigation structure impacts on rodent community composition and activity in south Texas
Adam Sanjar - School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Science University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Adam Sanjar - School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Science University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Improving habitat connectivity: Developing best practice guidance and structural re-design of the Animex Wildlife Bridge for dormice in the UK
Darrelle Moffat, Animex International
Darrelle Moffat, Animex International
Road verges are valuable corridors for small mammals even in well-preserved habitats
Ana Galantinho, University of Évora
Ana Galantinho, University of Évora
Technical Session 24: Getting Easier to be Green: Addressing Climate Change and Connectivity
2:10 to 3:40 pm
Mexico Federal Highway 2: changing state legislation through science
Mirna Manteca, Wildlands Network
Mirna Manteca, Wildlands Network
Combining structural and functional connectivity in the Danube basin: the methodology of the SaveGREEN project
Christoph Plutzar, Environment Agency Austria (EAA)
Christoph Plutzar, Environment Agency Austria (EAA)
Wildlife Crossing Opportunities in the Federal Transportation Act
Renee Callahan, ARC Solutions
Renee Callahan, ARC Solutions
Technical Session 25: Bring on the World – Large- scale Landscape Planning
2:10 to 3:40 pm
Connectivity for wildlife in a world without roads
Martin Lafrenz, Portland State University
Martin Lafrenz, Portland State University
Connecting the dots: Compiling a global atlas of ungulate migrations
Jerod A. Merkle, University of Wyoming
Jerod A. Merkle, University of Wyoming
Arizona's Statewide Assessment and Planning Study to Identify High Priority Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict Hotspots and Ecological Concerns
Todd Williams, Michael Baker International
Todd Williams, Michael Baker International
Sponsor Meet-Up
3:40 to 4:30 pm
Technical Session 26: Advances in Road Ecology - Emerging Technology
4:30 to 6:00 pm
Exploring eDNA Efficacy for Mollusk Sampling
Anna McKee, United States Geologic Survey
Anna McKee, United States Geologic Survey
Opportunities to Integrate Fiber Reinforced Polymers into the Design of Wildlife Crossing Structures
Marta Brocki, ARC Solutions
Marta Brocki, ARC Solutions
Potential Use of Active Infrared External Tripwires (AIR) for Monitoring Wildlife Crossing Structures and Comparison to Internal Passive Infrared (PIR) Trigger Systems
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Computer Vision Model for Wildlife Image Recognition
Jason Morrell, Arcadis U.S., Inc.
Jason Morrell, Arcadis U.S., Inc.
Technical Session 27: Advances in Road Ecology - Planning for Success
4:30 to 6:00 pm
Mitigation Wizard – An innovative new tool for a coordinated approach to infrastructure development and natural resource conservation
Carrie Schloss, The Nature Conservancy
Carrie Schloss, The Nature Conservancy
South Carolina In-Lieu Fee Program for Culvert Replacement and Improvements to Aquatic Resources
Sean Connolly, South Carolina DOT
Sean Connolly, South Carolina DOT
The OKI Region Environmental Mitigation Model
Margaret Minzner, OKI Regional Council of Governments
Margaret Minzner, OKI Regional Council of Governments
Efficiencies in Agency Consultation for Enhanced Environmental and Construction Outcomes
Chris Goodson, Georgia Department of Transportation
Chris Goodson, Georgia Department of Transportation
Technical Session 28: It BeHOOVES Me! — To Talk About Ungulates
4:30 to 6:00 pm
Identifying Factors Contributing to Spatial Patterns of Mule Deer-Vehicle Collisions in Southwest Utah
Bronco Hollowell. Southern Utah University
Bronco Hollowell. Southern Utah University
A mechanistic understanding of how elk balance risks and rewards when crossing highways
Marie-Pier Poulin, University of Wyoming
Marie-Pier Poulin, University of Wyoming
Collision reduction and migratory ungulate use of newly installed underpasses in a wildlife migration corridor near Jackson, Wyoming
Hannah Specht, University of Montana
Hannah Specht, University of Montana
Effect of Daylight Saving Time Clock Shifts on White-tailed Deer-Vehicle Collision Rates
W.A.N.U. (Nimanthi) Abeyrathna, Clarkson University
W.A.N.U. (Nimanthi) Abeyrathna, Clarkson University
Technical Session 29: Catalyst for Collaborative Mitigation in Colorado: State Highway 9 Research, Findings and Partnerships
4:30 to 6:00 pm
Wildlife Crossing Mitigation Systems: Practical Applications of Lessons Learned in Colorado
Michelle Cowardin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Michelle Cowardin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
The Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance
Tony Cady, Colorado Department of Transportation
Tony Cady, Colorado Department of Transportation