2 pm GMT = 7 AM Pacific (-7), 10 AM East Coast (-4), 4 PM South Africa (+2), 7:30 PM in India (+5.5), and 12 AM in Sydney (+10)
Day 4 (Sept 28th) Welcome and Orientation
2:00 to 2:10 pm
Plenary: Keynote #4 Harvey Locke (IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force)
2:10 to 2:50 pm
2:50 to 3:00 pm
Technical Session 15: Good Fences Make Good Crossings
3:00 to 4:30 pm
Janis Bridge, A case study in animal crossing success
Sarah Croston, WSDOT
Sarah Croston, WSDOT
Estimating the Percentage of Wildlife that Escape the Roadway Using Wildlife Exits Along State Highway 100 in South Texas
Zarina Sheikh, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Zarina Sheikh, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The effectiveness of electrified barriers for black bears at low traffic volume and low traffic speed access points
Marcel P. Huijser, Western Transportation Institute - Montana State University
Marcel P. Huijser, Western Transportation Institute - Montana State University
Wildlife fencing, the FLOMS trade-off, and the fence-end effect: How long is long enough?
Jochen A.G. Jaeger, Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, Canada
Jochen A.G. Jaeger, Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, Canada
Technical Session 16: Conserving Habitat Connectivity within an Urban Context
3:00 to 4:30 pm
Urban landscapes, biodiversity, and habitat connectivity
Andrew Chin, University of Toronto
Andrew Chin, University of Toronto
Wildlife-vehicle collisions on major roads in Peel and York Region: hot spots and seasonal movements
Lyndsay Cartwright, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Lyndsay Cartwright, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Making the connection: The role of technology and habitat use in making good wildlife connectivity decisions
David Lawrie, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
David Lawrie, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
York Region’s road map to planning for successful road ecology projects
Gerard Sullivan, York Region
Gerard Sullivan, York Region
Rare turtle recovery and wildlife corridor issues at Cootes Paradise Marsh
Sarah Richer, Royal Botanical Gardens
Sarah Richer, Royal Botanical Gardens
Technical Session 17: Two Mountains and a Desert
3:00 to 4:30 pm
Can a High-Speed Passenger Train Reconnect Wildlife Habitat in the Mojave Desert?
Debra Hughson, National Park Service
Debra Hughson, National Park Service
State Route 62/Morongo Pass Wildlife Connectivity and Recommendations
Brock Ortega, Dudek
Brock Ortega, Dudek
Panel 3: In the Lions' Den: Sustainable Linear Infrastructure in Africa
3:00 to 4:30 pm
4:30 to 4:40 pm
Multi-Media Session 2
4:40 to 6:10 pm
A Year of Wildlife Movement: Monitoring for Preconstruction of Fish Passage Barrier #994233 in Washington
Megan LaFever, Washington State Department of Transpiration, Habitat Connectivity Volunteer
Megan LaFever, Washington State Department of Transpiration, Habitat Connectivity Volunteer
Activity patterns of bat species at interstate highway sites with and without wildlife underpasses
Jenna Chapman, Central Washington University
Jenna Chapman, Central Washington University
Analysis of environmental factors affecting wildlife traffic accidents around Mt. Fuji, Japan
Yoichi Sonoda, Animal-pathway & Wildlife Association
Yoichi Sonoda, Animal-pathway & Wildlife Association
Comparison of Mammal Use of a Highway Before and During Construction of Wildlife Crossing Structures in South Texas
Thomas J Yamashita, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas A&M University – Kingsville
Thomas J Yamashita, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas A&M University – Kingsville
Compost Incorporation on Roadsides for Soil Improvement and as a Stormwater Control Measure
Christina Kranz, North Carolina State University
Christina Kranz, North Carolina State University
Creating Maine's First Dedicated Turtle and Reptile Crossing Structure
Richard Bostwick, Maine Deptment of Transportation
Richard Bostwick, Maine Deptment of Transportation
Differences in the response of ACV with wildlife and livestock species during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain
Victor Colino Rabanal, University of Salamanca, Spain
Victor Colino Rabanal, University of Salamanca, Spain
Ecological and genetic connectivity of shrews (Sorex spp.) across Interstate-90 in the Washington Cascade Range
Jordan Ryckman, Conservation Northwest (formerly Central Washington University)
Jordan Ryckman, Conservation Northwest (formerly Central Washington University)
Evaluating Wildlife Responses to Localized Mitigation Fencing Structures
Caitlin K. Brett, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Caitlin K. Brett, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Factors influencing tree survival in a highway setting
Allyson Salisbury, The Morton Arboretum
Allyson Salisbury, The Morton Arboretum
Impact of COVID-19 on Traffic, Crashes, and Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions
David Waetjen, Road Ecology Center, UC Davis
David Waetjen, Road Ecology Center, UC Davis
Impacts of highways and fences on tule elk home range and movement
Abigail Dziegiel, California State University, Fresno
Abigail Dziegiel, California State University, Fresno
Improving Habitat Connectivity for the Endangered Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum) on California Highway 1 through Collaboration with Multiple Partners
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation
Morgan Robertson, California Department of Transportation
Influence of selected weather conditions on the risk of ungulate-train collision in Poland in the years 2012 - 2015
Karolina Jasinska, Institute of Forest Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Karolina Jasinska, Institute of Forest Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Life on the edge: insect conservation in highway roadside rights of way
Kaitlin Stack Whitney, Rochester Institute of Technology
Kaitlin Stack Whitney, Rochester Institute of Technology
Maintaining wildlife connectivity in an urbanized area: the South Mountain Freeway in Phoenix, Arizona
Kris Gade, Arizona Department of Transportation
Kris Gade, Arizona Department of Transportation
Mapping ungulate migration corridors, stopovers, and winter ranges across California
Evan Greenspan, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Evan Greenspan, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Mitigating Small Animal Road Mortality
Tricia Markle, Minnesota Zoo
Tricia Markle, Minnesota Zoo
Mitigation from project planning stages: a unique opportunity for connectivity in Northern Mexico
Cecilia Aguilar, Wildlands Network
Cecilia Aguilar, Wildlands Network
Monorail in an Era of COVID and Climate Change
Michael R. Wright
Michael R. Wright
Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog Critical Habitat Mitigation and Restoration on State Route 2
Francis Appiah, California Department of Transportation District 7
Francis Appiah, California Department of Transportation District 7
Ora - A Non-habituating, low cost, audiovisual animal warning system to mitigate roadkill
Vedant Srinivas, Eastlake High School, WA
Vedant Srinivas, Eastlake High School, WA
Preliminary Results from Monitoring of a New Wildlife Crossing in Willacy County, Texas
Daniel G. Scognamillo, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute - Texas A&M - Kingsville
Daniel G. Scognamillo, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute - Texas A&M - Kingsville
Progress to Implement the First Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wildlife Overpass in North America
Matthew Bell, Western Transportation Institute
Matthew Bell, Western Transportation Institute
Quantifying highway agency roadside tree removal using high-resolution satellite data
Ellen Oettinger White, Rutgers University
Ellen Oettinger White, Rutgers University
Response of roadside soil communities to application of unpaved road chemical treatments
Bethany K. Kunz, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center
Bethany K. Kunz, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center
Roads and Raptors, a Spatial Analysis of Raptor Collisions on The Washington State Highway System
Sarah Croston, Washington Department of Transportation & The Evergreen State College
Sarah Croston, Washington Department of Transportation & The Evergreen State College
Roadside ditches as a key tool to manage for stormwater and pollution: A case study of highway governance challenges within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Sara Reynolds-Davis, Cornell University
Sara Reynolds-Davis, Cornell University
Rural road usage by herpetofauna of the southern Sonoran Desert ecoregion
Brian Blais, Southwest Zoologists' League
Brian Blais, Southwest Zoologists' League
SaveGREEN – Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin
Hildegard Meyer, WWF Central and Eastern Europe
Hildegard Meyer, WWF Central and Eastern Europe
The Asian Elephant Transport Working Group (AsETWG) Presents: Protecting Asian Elephants from Linear Transport Infrastructure – An Introduction to the Challenges and Solutions
Rob Ament, IUCN WCPA and SSC Cross-Commission Asian Elephant Transport Working Group, Transport Working Group of the IUCN WCPA, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Rob Ament, IUCN WCPA and SSC Cross-Commission Asian Elephant Transport Working Group, Transport Working Group of the IUCN WCPA, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Traffic Influences on Wildlife Interactions at Wildlife Crossing Structures along FM106 in Cameron County, Texas
Anna Mehner, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley-Brownsville
Anna Mehner, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley-Brownsville
Sponsor Meet-up
6:10 to 7:00 pm
Technical Session 18: Promoting Passage for Wildlife
7:00 to 8:30 pm
Quantifying the Vegetation Structure around Wildlife Crossing Structures in Cameron County, Texas
Thomas J Yamashita, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas A&M University
Thomas J Yamashita, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas A&M University
Estimating the Performance And Permeability Of Wildlife Crossing Structures on a South Texas Highway
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
T. Miles Hopkins, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Wildlife Passage Modifications On State Route 118 In Las Posas Valley (Ventura County)
Celina Oliveri, Caltrans
Celina Oliveri, Caltrans
My Way or the Highway: Elk Use of a Box Culvert in Southeast Utah Documented Through Camera Traps and GPS Collars
Makeda Hanson, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Makeda Hanson, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Technical Session 19: Roadkill Data Collection 1, 2, 3!
7:00 to 8:30 pm
Wildlife Carcass Removal Reporting Protocol in Washington State
Glen Kalisz - Washington State Department of Transportation
Glen Kalisz - Washington State Department of Transportation
Advancing Roadkill Data Science
Michael Schneider - Co-Founder of RoadkillApp
Michael Schneider - Co-Founder of RoadkillApp
ROaDS: Standardizing road mortality data collection across jurisdictions
Elizabeth Fairbank - Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Elizabeth Fairbank - Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Carcass Reporting - Arizona Streets & Highways (CRASH): A digital toolsuite for capturing wildlife carcass data
Scott Sprague, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Scott Sprague, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Technical Session 20: The Emerging Ecosystem of Animal Detection Systems
7:00 to 8:30 pm
Camera/video systems and AI-supported animal detection and classification
Fraser Shilling, Road Ecology Center, University of California Davis
Fraser Shilling, Road Ecology Center, University of California Davis
Acoustics in Whale Safe: using whale call detections in a multi-faceted tool to mitigate ship strike risk
Ana Širović, Texas A&M University at Galveston and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Ana Širović, Texas A&M University at Galveston and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Implementation and Accuracy of Thermal and Radar Technology for Animal Detection Systems
Jeff Gagnon, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Jeff Gagnon, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Advanced vehicle systems for animal detection and conflict mitigation
Andy Alden, Virginia Tech
Andy Alden, Virginia Tech
Technical Session 21: Planning Through Partnerships
7:00 to 8:30 pm
A collaborative effort to restore connectivity and protect human safety along I-40 near Great Smoky Mountain National Park
Jeff Hunter, National Parks Conservation Association
Jeff Hunter, National Parks Conservation Association
The Wildlife Program of the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Leonard E. Sielecki, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Leonard E. Sielecki, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Developing a correction factor to apply to animal–vehicle collision data for improved road mitigation measures
Tracy S. Lee, Miistakis Institute, Mount Royal University
Tracy S. Lee, Miistakis Institute, Mount Royal University